Still Life #107

Still Life #107
taken August 29, 2003

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sometimes, you don't WANT the mail to come.

I got a rejection letter from the literary agency today. Not unexpected. Actually a nice form letter. I take some solace in the fact that most published novelists succeed only after 3 or 4 novels and very rarely on the first submission. I just have to bulldog my way through this and both work on this manuscript and, at the same time also begin working in earnest on some of the others that make me excited. Time to read through my pile of work in progress and see what jumps out and smacks me.

Also time to find the next agency and maybe a publisher to submit the manuscript to. I may actually look into joining a writing group. Oy. Onward!

1 comment:

Steve Buchheit said...

We all go through it. On the positive side, you have a book finished. That's ahead of most of the nubile writers.

And since I just saw this on Mer Haskell's blog

The dreaded slush article. As the first paragraph says, everybody has been there.